Dear friends of Living Assembly,
This is a message in a bottle, so I hope you already feel as elated as I feel about the fact that you are reading it.
I am writing from the island of Chile but, if you allow me to start by making a hopeful confession, I would like to believe that the island of me has melted away —at least while composing this letter. What are the chances of my message actually reaching you if not so?
Immediately after the completely unexpected events of October 2019, everyone in Chile was saying “it was obvious that this was going to happen”. It took just a few days for everybody to come to terms with the fact that we were being part of an unprecedented transformation of time and space, the question was: for how much longer will/can this go on? Nothing seemed to be able to stop it. Until the virus came.
How many pages would we need in order to give a proper summary of what has happen in this country in the past 9 months? The perception of time itself has changed drastically in the unfolding. Life was bursting and now we are trapped, witnessing its heartbreaking decay as the curve goes up. The total artificialization of life is about to be completed, or at least thats how it feels here and apparently in most cities around the world. The cage getting smaller. Are you lucky enough to be in a non-urban environment? Is that actually a good thing or are you in one of those places that, even though deep in nature, are still being harassed by civilization?
The point is: this is not a matter of quantity. Regardless of how many pages we dedicate to explaining it, we will always miss an important detail. This is particularly true in the case of an insurrection, as well as with love and any other ecstatic sensation that congregates the Cosmos. Here we are entering uncharted waters, so it really does not matter what set of concepts or ideas you have at hand, the content of these events goes beyond words. It is an unnamable energy that is only assimilated when mind and heart are open to the reality of (radical) change.
The streets contain more than half of the story. But if this would be a problem of “seeing it with your own eyes”, it would be as easy as attaching a handful of pictures and videos. An instant, a moment, a situation, is composed of a infinite amount of elements and stories, scents and temperatures, sounds and waves. You feel the waves of energy in the streets when they are filled with people celebrating the art of taking back their lives, but you also feel it once they are empty: insurrections have a particular way of resonating.
What I am trying to say is that this letter is a living proof of the magnitud of this resonance: it is only because of the true potential of the insurrection that it is possible for this message to come to you across the world. This is the kind of miracle we need to allow ourselves to see and look for more often, and even more, to guide our experience.
Yes, we can experience the energy that is produced by the intelligence of the many being one. While carrying out our separate activities we are no longer the single living organism that we really are, or maybe could or should be. It is this oneness that is ultimately undefinable, precisely because it must be lived. We have learned so much about this from the “eastern” countries. Does this knowledge still remain over there? How willing are we to accept the relativity of spatial separations? All kinds of space, social or mental.
We should never forget that the four cardinal points are three, North and South. The human community emerges where differences are no longer limits but points of fluent interaction. This was the main feeling overflowing the streets during the insurrection, literally.
The poor concept of “culture” that this system uses as yet another way of creating income for the few and stun the masses was completely vanished and realized at the same time. You could barely distinguish between the murales and people, between art and life itself. The government knew about the relevance of this rising movement and had secret operations at night to destroy sculptures and paint the walls with a sad gray. This, of course, was in addition to their traditional ways of violence against the body and mind.
Every single person, now supported by a caring environment, became a creative force freed to the wonders of their own quest. Autonomous zones of all scales were being created everywhere for a myriad of reasons, but all seemed to be heading towards the same emancipatory horizon. It was all happening at the same time. Property was immediately abolished as yet another concrete expression of the reintegration of spontaneity and life: making others happy by giving away food was as relevant as a barricade. At this pace, politics —that is, political agendas in particular and political ideology in general— were overruled by popular demand.
But that door was violently shut once again. After the excitement, the fear and the anxiety of the lockdown dropped on us like a guillotine. People are getting hungry, and they are breaking the curfew to go out to the streets again. But it is hard to make something consistent out of all this; it is not the same energy of the rebellion. We are exhausted, we are overwhelmed by the repressive nature of the State and its violence, we are worried about our brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, we are running out of ideas, we are quickly and dangerously going back to caring only about ourselves.
I wonder where did all the communal energy go. As tired and cornered as they are, people keep putting up a fight against the ones who want to send us to the graveyard as soon as posible only to continue with their business of survival. There is strong evidence that our effort will not be shut by government verdict. People are not giving up yet.
That said, the inertia of bad habits has an overwhelming momentum. Making ollas comunes is a crime now, so the State sends its mercenaries to beat up people and throw away their food. The police has control of the streets, and as they invade also our homes we remember that the word “street” has always been a metaphor.
The virus of militarization is spreading faster than the biological one, and we all start wondering about what is real and what is not. I hope you, in your own territories, are not familiar with the rapidness in which fascist, authoritarian, reactionary and ultimately purely destructive forces can act, but I am afraid this is a feature we all share.
We need to resist, but we also need to let go of so much. This is a timeless non-mathematical formulae: acceptance + resistance.
Our species is about to establish the risk of extinction. The people of Chile —in coordination with many other territories around the world— attempted an assault on this unilateral pact of death, but the action was suddenly halted. So now we are all wondering, will the virus go away so that we can resume to our rebellion against the system?
You see, although shy, we are temperamental people. You will find out about this in the arts and crafts, you will hear it in the songs and read it in novels. This is a land of dreamers so we are also hunted by nightmares. You have to believe the old tails.
Have you ever heard of the Imbunche? Maybe the human inside us still feels too much like him, but it persists. Have you heard of the witches of Chiloé? They were all hanged because the state feared their feral voice. Or maybe you are familiar with the Selk’nam in Patagonia, the ones that were exterminated at the same time the brujos were being hanged at the end of the 19th century? In the deserts of the north there are people who play the flute for days without sleeping or eating, and plants that invite you to envision your inner God.
Those of us who like stories will keep reading about the insurrection and the pandemic for decades (there are so many beautiful and dedicated records being produced!). But what is going on beyond these words, right here and now, as you read this message? Is this small exercise of planetary time travel an expression of a living community beyond our mundane and ideological limitations?
This note is coming from a country that was far away from “normality” before the pandemic. The concept and the dictatorship of normality were being challenged on a daily basis, on an everyday life basis. Do you think this exchange could also be the place for such an adventure?
I am not here to give you prolific accounts, or to tell you the truth about the events of the revolt and its political intríngulis, you all know for how long we could be stuck in that trap. I am here to answer to your message of hope, and to share and celebrate with you the wonderful nature of our correspondence. This to me is the most significant reminder that another world is possible, and more importantly: that this world lives and thrives right here and now. It is just a matter of evoking it on every instant. Like now.
Looking forward to all of your stories.
Sincerely yours,
(May 2020)
ともかく、量が問題ではない。この状態を説明するために何ページ費やそうとも、常にわたしたちは大切な細部を取り落としてゆく。それはことさら蜂起について — そして愛や、その他、宇宙をとりあつめるどのような恍惚の感応にも — 当て嵌まる。そこでわたしたちは、未踏の海に船出する。そこでは、どのような概念や理念を用いても、事態に太刀打ちできず、出来事の内容は、語りようがなくなる。そこにあるのは、心と魂が、現実の根本的な変化に開かれている時にのみ同化されうる、名づけようがないエネルギーなのである。
Sincerely yours,
(May 2020)